• National Recognition

    Clemente has received prestigious  grants from the Mellon Foundation and the National Endowment for the Humanities and was awarded a National Humanities Medal.

  • Access

    Rooted in our commitment to access, tuition is always free for Clemente courses and the costs of books, childcare, and transportation are also covered.

  • Further Education

    Courses are accredited by higher education institutions, including our  partner Bard College.  For many Clemente alumni, these college credits mark the first step toward receiving a college degree.

  • Civic Engagement

    Clemente helps students develop critical, reflective and creative skills that empower them to improve their own lives and those of their families and communities.


About Clemente

Many of our students experience financial hardship.  In addition to economic distress, our students commonly report other major barriers to higher education, including housing insecurity, incarceration, trauma, health-related challenges, and other issues. 

Clemente offers an open door. We require only that students are at least 17 years old, able to read a newspaper, and plan to complete a year-long course.  As college tuition soars, Clemente Courses remain free.  Our courses also provide crucial wrap-around support by covering the costs of childcare, transportation, and books while students attend class.

Everyone who completes a Clemente course receives a certificate of achievement. Students who demonstrate college-level work may earn credit from Bard College or another academic partner.

Since 1996, more than 13,000 students have participated in a Clemente Course.

The Power of the Humanities

The Clemente Course in the Humanities provides a transformative educational experience for adults facing economic hardship and adverse circumstances. Our free college humanities courses empower students to further their education and careers, become effective advocates for themselves and their families, and engage actively in the cultural and civic lives of their communities.

Recent News

By Aaron Rosen March 5, 2025
Clemente Receives Largest Grant in its History
By Aaron Rosen February 16, 2024
Calvin University launches new free humanities course inspired by Clemente
By Vive Griffith January 17, 2022
New $150,000 grant supports alumni seminars
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